Vitamin C IV Anti-Aging Treatment

The benefits of Vitamin C IV are so diverse that its application is recommended once a week. It can also be applied more often at the discretion of the doctor and depending on the needs of the patient.


Vitamin C IV in the form of Sodium Ascorbate is a master formula developed in Peru, but the main ingredient is produced in Germany. It has a PH similar to that of the blood and therefore does not cause pain when applied.

Vitamin C IV Rejuvenation

However, the application of Vitamin C IV is a strategy to maintain a more youthful look and rejuvenate the body. Some of the other benefits consist of:

  1. Repair and maintain healthier cartilage, bones, and teeth.
  2. Reduces surgical risk and accelerates post-surgery recovery.
  3. It improves the appearance of the skin due to its anti-aging action.
  4. It synthesizes the absorption of collagen.
  5. Strengthens the immune system.
  6. It requires only one appointment in an easy and short session.
  7. Slows down the aging process.
  8. Increases defenses against viral infections. 

Sounds great? Let’s set it up!

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