Body contouring procedures usually include changing the shape of the body using liposuction and tissue removal techniques. Body contouring, also known as body sculpting, refers to a process whereby the body, breasts and/or face are shaped to create a more pleasing and balanced look, taking away sagging skin and excess fatty tissue.
Who is a good candidate for body contouring?
To be a good candidate for body contouring you should:
- Be a healthy adult.
- Have any major weight loss stabilized.
- Have a commitment to a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, diet, and exercise.
- Be realistic and have a positive outlook.
- Be a non-smoker for any skin tightening procedures.
- Have no medical conditions that would increase the risk of surgery.
- Have no medical situations that would impair healing.
Any part of the body can be addressed with body contouring and aesthetic plastic surgery. Some of the most common areas patients seek to improve are:
- Breasts
- Abdomen
- Waistline and back
- Thighs
- Calves
- Buttocks
- Upper arms
Buttock Enhancement
The most popular treatment is a buttock enhancement or buttock augmentation. This treatment enhances the natural shape of the rear by raising buttocks that have flattened and sagged with age or simply have never been the shape and size the individual has wanted. Buttock contouring is usually performed using fat injection.
Then, fat is liposuctioned from other areas of the body where it is unwanted and injected into the buttocks to make them fuller and more shapely. This can also include remodeling the love handles, too.
Liposuction is a very versatile technique that can be applied to almost any part of the body. It has become an indispensable tool for our Lima plastic surgeon performing any body contouring procedure.
Contact Us
Sounds great?! Then it’s time to set up an appointment for an evaluation to know whether you are a candidate for body contouring. You can contact us via WhatsApp or completing our online form