Retinal Detachment & Torn Retina

Retinal detachment is a serious eye problem consisting of retinal displacement caused by a rupture.

Over time, its progression can lead to an irreversible loss of visual function. If it is not treated urgently and adequately then it can lead to the loss of the eyeball.

Retinal detachment can happen in anybody. However, the group at greatest risk are those over 50 and suffer the thinning and wearing down of the retina, something that happens during the course of life.

Another group at risk are those who have received direct trauma to the eye, and those who have undergone cataract surgery. There are also other lower-risk groups.

What are the symptoms?

  1. Light flashes and flying flies. In 60% of cases, symptoms such as light flashes and flying flies (seeing stars) may occur.
  2. Defect in the visual field.
  3. Loss of central vision.

retinal detachment

What treatment is there for people with retinal detachment?

The surgery is performed under anesthesia and on an outpatient basis, with few postoperative discomforts.

Most retinal detachments (or retinal tears) need to be treated by sealing the retina to the back wall of the eye. This is done with laser surgery or cryotherapy. In complex cases or reoperation treatments, then a vitrectomy (intraocular surgery) is required. Also possible is a vitreous replacement and laser retina treatment.

Can any prevention be made in retinal detachment?

Above all, it is necessary and important to get a preventive check-up with your retina specialist ophthalmologist. This way, you can avoid major complications and detect problems early before they become much more problematic later on in life. This should be done every 4 or 6 months, especially in myopic people.

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