Facial Profiling

Facial profiling, also known as facial contouring, involves reducing or increasing volumes in some areas of the face. This is done in such a way that an improvement of the whole face can be achieved. Therefore, treatment makes the person look more attractive, with perfectly balanced facial characteristics.

How does Facial Profiling work?

There are a series of minimally invasive treatments that can be used. This includes the elimination of excess fat below the chin, increasing the volume and projection of the chin, slimming the cheeks, increasing lip volume, and other treatments too.

jawline profiling

By combining a number of treatments together, it is possible to achieve a greater definition of the face.

These procedures can be performed one by one, or combined in a single appointment. Typically, results are immediate and recovery is very fast.

However, there are many options that can be discussed with our Specialist, Dr Daniel Saco-Vertiz, at the consultation. Firstly, a detailed exam of your face is performed. You will need to explain to the doctor which areas you are most concerned with and what goals you have in mind.

Next, Dr Saco-Vertiz makes some recommendations for the treatments he considers will be most appropriate. And finally, a treatment plan will be presented, including the costs and each procedure type.

Dr DanielSacoVertiz

Which treatments can I consider?

Facial profiling treatment can include dermal fillers for lip enhancement, chin augmentation, and non-surgical nose job treatments to create a more beautiful profile.

To clarify, any number of the following facial areas can be treated to create an attractive, balanced, more youthful look.

  • Chin augmentation treatment improves the contours of the chin, neck, and jawline.
  • Liquid rhinoplasty corrects the esthetics of the nose.
  • Blepharoplasty is used to remove the sagging skin of the eyelids.
  • Fillers are used for jawline enhancement.
  • Bags under the eyes are eliminated with the use of fillers.
  • Bichectomy removes the fat pads in the cheeks, creating a thinner facial appearance.
  • A Facelift tightens the skin and teneses the muscles, removing wrinkles and fatty deposits.

facial profiling

Facial profiling treatment is ideal for both men and women who wish for a more defined, balanced look.

One of the most popular treatments in facial profiling is chin augmentation surgery. This is a low-cost option that can dramatically improve your profile by altering your facial shape.

For people with a rounded face and neck, a chin implant can help create a more angular face shape. Consequently, this improves the balance between your chin, nose, and cheekbones.

Sounds great, right? Contact us

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